Tuesday, December 3, 2013

copy from :http://www.phnompenhpost.com/

Minimum call charges apply: TRC

Mobile phone call promotions undercutting the government’s minimum pricing regulations are to be outlawed – again.

‘Most corrupt in ASEAN’

Amid a flurry of post-election promises of reform by the government, an index released by Transparency International (TI) yesterday shows that Cambodia’s public sector is perceived to be the most corrupt in ASEAN, and second only to North Korea in


A monk swims in the Areng Valley in November. NICK STREET

Better the devil you know?

Anti-government protesters occupy the premises of the Telephone Organisation of Thailand compound in Bangkok
The recent protests in Bangkok echo the biblical story of Barabbas, which is described in all four gospels due to its shockingly emblematic depiction of the power of group emotion.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

This is the news for dis Tue, 26 Novem 2013

Second KRT panel ‘imperative’

The Khmer Rouge tribunal’s Supreme Court Chamber yesterday called the establishment of a second panel of judges to begin hearing Case 002/02 “imperative”, and ordered the court’s trial chamber to initiate proceedings in the case “as soon as possib

No consensus on next move in SL drama

After the management of an embattled garment factory this week refused to follow a government order to reinstate 19 dismissed union leaders and activists, unionists and observers are at a divergence of opinion over how the state should respond.

Featured article

Floods in Battambang

The Magic Music Bus: carpeting Cambodia with music, not bombs

Both inside and outside the vehicle, the Khmer Magic Music Bus musicians spend the journey singing, laughing and clapping.
Arn Chorn-Pond has dedicated most of his adult life to restoring traditional Cambodian arts. In his new project, he takes a bus load of musicians to showcase their instruments and talent in remote rural ares.

Big Brother is watching closely

The National Security Agency headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland, in 2010
The United States taps the telephones and monitors the emails of everyone in this region.
No one is immune: not you, not me, not Prime Minister Hun Sen or opposition leader Sam Rainsy.